General Dentistry
Children's Dentistry
At Clocktower Dental we believe in a preventative approach to dentistry, and so we recommend regular check-ups and cleaning to reduce the need for treatments, or the possible loss of teeth. And why not spread the costs of your visits across the year by joining our dental plan? Not only could you save up to £153 a year, but joining our plans encourages regular attendance, thereby improving your oral health!

It’s never too early to start caring for your teeth, so we recommend all our patients bring their children to see us from a young age – after all, it’s free till the age of 18! In fact we’re so passionate about this that our dentists even visit local schools to spread the message of oral hygiene!
Visiting us regularly will allow us to give your child’s teeth the best possible start in life, and will also get them into the habit of attending the dentist, which will keep their teeth healthy throughout their life if continued.
During their visits we can show them the techniques they’ll need to keep their teeth clean and healthy, impart our knowledge on diet and lifestyle choices, and help their teeth grow stronger through applying fluoride and fissure sealants (a thin, tooth coloured protective layer) if they are needed. It will of course also allow any problems that have developed to be spotted and treated early, minimising the chances of costly treatment being needed in the future, and providing them with the referrals to any further services they may require (such as local NHS orthodontists).
Oh, and they also might meet a superhero, make new friends, or at the very least, get a sticker and a balloon.
So why delay, call us today on 020 8311 9400 and start your children on the road to a lifetime of dental wellbeing.